Chi versus Chi

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I only now realized that my cat had same figure with Chi. Chi is the character in Anime and Manga (Japan Animation) which have same title "Chi" (Chi is Sweet Home). That is funny! I loved that XD

Cat Vaccinations

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

There are a number of vaccinations available for cats. The need for them depends on the risk of exposure for your cat. An indoor cat, kept alone or with only one other cat, is pretty unlikely to be exposed to diseases which require contact with other cats. An outdoor cat who roams the yard freely is probably interacting with other cats whether you see them or not. This cat needs to be protected against more diseases, since the risk is much higher. Please consult your local veterinarian for more information about cat vaccinations.

Table Of Cat Vaccinations

Vaccinations >>>>>>>>When to administer (age)

First feline panleukopenia (FPL),
Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), >>> 8-9 weeks

Feline calicivirus (FCV)

(all three components given in one shot) >>> 12 weeks

· Booster shot of above

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
(to be administrated after the booster, >>>> 12 weeks

only if needed)

Rabies shot ( if needed) >>>>>>>>16 weeks

· Booster shot >>>>>>>>>1 year

· Rabies

Rabies vaccinations are required by law. The first rabies vaccination is good for one year. In many states subsequent vaccinations are good for three years. In other states, they are only valid for one year by law. Please check with your vet to determine the legal requirements in your state. Vaccinating your pet for rabies may literally save its life for two reasons. Rabies is a threat in many areas and it is a horrible disease. In addition, an unvaccinated pet who bites a human being, even by accident, is subject to long quarantine periods or even death for the purpose of testing for rabies infection.

· Panleukopenia

Panleukopenia is the cat disease most often referred to as "distemper". It is a deadly disease. Fortunately, it is not a very common disease as vaccination against it appears to be very successful. Kittens require a series of vaccinations every 3 to 4 weeks from the time vaccinations start until they are approximately 16 weeks old. Since this virus does not always require direct contact for transmission, it is generally included in the series of recommended vaccinations for all cats.

· Rhinotracheitis

Rhinotracheitis is caused by a herpes virus. It causes respiratory disease in its acute phase. Chronically, it can be the cause of persistant eye irritation and corneal disease. Due to the potentially chronic nature of this disease it is also usually recommended for most cats. It appears that the protection against this disease from vaccination is of relatively short duration and yearly boosters seem to be a necessity.

· Calicivirus

This virus also causes respiratory disease in its acute phase. It also can become chronic. Affected cats may have persistant gum disease or chronically recurring upper respiratory disease. This vaccine is recommended for most cats.

· Feline Leukemia

Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) requires direct contact with an infected cat in order to spread. For this reason, it may not be necessary for cats confined to the home. This vaccine should be administered to cats who live full-time or part-time outdoors.

· Feline Infectious Peritonitis

There are very few instances in which the use of this vaccine is warranted. There is a great deal of question about how well this vaccine works.

Source :

Interaction with humans

Human attitudes toward cats vary widely. Some people keep cats for casual companionship as pets. Others go to great lengths to pamper their cats, sometimes treating them as if they were children. Cats are also bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, in a hobby known as the cat fancy.

Because of their small size, domesticated house cats pose almost no danger to adult humans — the main hazard is the possibility of infection (e.g., cat scratch disease, or, rarely, rabies) from a cat bite or scratch. Cats can also potentially inflict severe scratches or puncture an eye, though this is quite rare (although dogs have been known to be blinded by cats in fights, where the cat specifically and accurately targeted the eyes of the larger animal).

Kitten Advice

Thursday, July 17, 2008

There are some guidelines and advice from choosing your kitten to bringing it home to settle in. Always remember that owning a cat is a lifetime responsibility not to be taken lightly.

Choosing your Kitten

The first thing to consider when choosing your kitten is if you are looking for a family companion or a cat that you intend to show or breed in future.

If you are looking for a family pet, then the most important consideration will be temperament and health. If you are looking for a cat to show or breed let the breeder know this when you first enquire to be sure they have suitable kittens for you to view. A breeding or show cat should meet the breed standard showing no obvious faults.

When choosing your kitten, you should also take into consideration the type of home it comes from and it's mother's state of health. Do not buy a kitten from a breeder that will not let you see the mother cat. In pedigree cats, the mother cat should also be a true representative of the breed.

A healthy kitten will have bright and shiny eyes, glossy coat, clean bottom and an alert demeanour. Ears should also be clean, nose cool and damp without any nasal discharge with pale pink mouth and gums.

Feeding Guidelines

Kittens like adult cats require wholesome, high-protein food and a constant supply of water. Food is served more frequently with kittens than with adult cats. See my section on feline nutrition for guidelines on adult cats. Food and water bowls should be kept clean at all times.

Below I've listed some general feeding guidelines for your new kitten sorted by age.

  • Age 3-5 Months: 5 to 4 meals daily

  • Age 6-8 Months: 3 to 4 meals daily

  • Age 9-12 Months: 3 meals daily

Kittens should be feed tinned or fresh food as part of a balanced diet with quality kitten dry cat food from a reputable manufacturer left down at all times to graze on.

Your reward for feeding your kitten a well-balanced diet is a healthy beautiful adult cat.


Pedigree kittens are fully litter trained from a very early age. With any kitten irrespective of breed to avoid accidents it is absolutely vital that for the early days and weeks in a new home, the kitten is aware at all times where the litter tray is. In a new environment, the kitten may not be able to find the litter tray alone especially with a home with two or more floors and several rooms. It is important that the kitten is restricted to one area for the first few weeks and only allowed into other areas of your home under supervision.

Once your kitten has been allowed to roam freely, always keep a watchful eye and keep taking your new kitten back to it's litter tray at regular intervals. If you are living in a very large house on multiple floors, it is advisable to have a litter tray on every floor.

When your new kitten first arrives home, it is also advisable to use the same cat litter as your breeder while your kitten settles in. Later you can gradually change this to a brand of your choice. The litter tray should also be kept clean at all times. Changing all or some of the litter tray contents daily is recommended to avoid accidents. Cats will quickly find an alternative site to use as a toilet if the tray is not cleaned daily.

Settling In

On arrival home with your new kitten, place the kitten while still in the carrier in a suitable warm room where the kitten can be safely kept for a few days. Let the kitten come out to explore in it's own time. Make sure there is a litter tray in the room and that the kitten knows exactly where it is. The kitten's room should also have a bowl of food and water kept a suitable distance from the litter tray. Cats are reluctant to use a litter tray that is too close to the cat's food. Let your new kitten come to you in it's own time.

Getting to know your Kitten

It can take days or even weeks to establish a relationship with a kitten so please be patient. Kittens need time to bond with you and before long your new kitten will become your best friend.

For the first few weeks, your kitten shouldn't be allowed to roam your home unsupervised when you are not there. You should put your kitten back in their own room with their litter tray, food and water. Make sure your new kitten also has a comfortable bed or basket to sleep in with some toys to play with.

It may be worth considering obtaining two kittens from your breeder especially if you will be out of the home for most of the day. This way they will always have a constant playmate and two cats can exercise each other far more effectively than you can.

Please remember that your new kitten should be kept indoors at all times and shouldn't be allowed outdoors until they are old enough to cope with outdoor life.

Practice Emergency First Aid

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Practicing before an emergency can be a vital investment:

  • The more comfortable you are in using the contents of your first aid kit, the more smoothly you can respond should the need arise.
  • If your cat is cooperative, you could try making leg bandages or taking his temperature. More than likely, your cat will be impatient with your unfamiliar manipulations of bandaging; you could practice bandaging on a stuffed animal.
  • Practice lifting and carrying your cat.
  • Practice driving the route to your nearest vet emergency facility.
  • Establish a professional relationship with the facility and keep emergency telephone numbers handy (i.e., wallet, vehicle, refrigerator, and address book).

For Our Cats

The following items are easily found at pharmacies or wherever over-the-counter drugs are sold. Store the items in a moisture proof container that is easily accessible in an emergency, but out of reach of children and pets. Include a list of emergency telephone numbers on an index card. Laminate the card or place it in a plastic cover. Make a duplicate kit to keep in your vehicle in case of emergencies while traveling. When travelling with your cat, research the availability of emergency veterinarians to and at your destination. The better prepared you are, the less likely you will panic in emergency situations.

  • Two rolls of gauze: one roll 2" wide, one 3-4" wide
  • White surgical tape: 1" in width
  • Two rolls of elastic wrap: one roll 2" wide, one 3-4" wide
  • One roll of cotton battin 12" in width
  • An emergency ice pack
  • A bottle of one percent (1%) hydrogen peroxide
  • A box of exam gloves
  • A pillow case - for transporting the ill or injured cat
  • A blanket - for warmth
  • A towel - for a splint
  • A bottle of saline eye wash
  • Two rectal thermometers
  • A pair of blunt-tipped scissors
  • A pair of tweezers
  • A flashlight
  • A bottle of antihistamine
  • A box of baking soda

Cat First Aid

The first aid treatments outlined here should be used only until you can get professional help for your cat.

Always call your veterinarian ahead to alert the office of an emergency.

Know the number and address of the nearest 24 hr facility for emergencies that occur when your veterinarian is not in the office.

The best way to carry your cat to the veterinarian is to wrap her in a heavy towel or blanket.

Serious cut or bite

In cats, most skin wounds do not bleed profusely unless a larger, underlying blood vessel is opened. Avoid manipulating the injured area since this can increase bleeding.

- Cover the wounded area with a sterile bandage or clean cloth and apply
direct pressure.

- Secure with tape if necessary. The bandage should stay in place firmly but
not tightly.

- Take your cat to the veterinarian immediately.

- Do not use a tourniquet (it is not as effective as direct pressure and may
cause additional damage).

Breathing Problems

Brain damage can occur if breathing is interrupted. It is not recommended you waste valuable time performing artificial respiration or CPR on your cat unless you are positive you can administer them expertly to restore normal breathing and heartbeat. It is much safer to seek immediate veterinary care.

Broken Bone

* Never try to set a broken bone yourself.
* Control bleeding, if any, and restrict your cat’s movement while transporting her to the veterinarian.


* Open the cat’s mouth by pressing on either side of her jaw to see if the object is visible. Do not tilt the head backwards.
* Use tweezers to remove obvious obstruction. You may use your fingers also but be careful of being bitten.
* If the object is not visible do not poke inside her mouth since this may cause the object to become lodged further.
* Instead, hold the cat upside down and press sharply on her chest with both hands.
* Even if you remove the object your cat should be checked by the veterinarian for any damage to the mouth or throat.

Electric Shock

Playful cats, especially kittens that are teething, may chew on electrical cords and this can lead to electric shock. Electric shock can produce burns on the tongue, palate, lip folds and corners of the mouth. Your cat may salivate profusely or have problems breathing.

* Never touch an animal that is touching an exposed electrical wire.
* Turn off the current then use a dry stick to get your cat away from the wire.
* Get veterinary help as soon as possible.

Eye Injury

* For all eye injuries, take your cat to the veterinarian promptly.
* Do not let your cat rub her eyes
* Do not place medicine in your cat's eyes, unless instructed by your veterinarian.


Your cat can suffer frostbite on her ears, feet and tail.
Symptoms include: pale, glossy skin which then reddens and becomes painful to the touch.

* Immediately take your cat into a warm place.
* Thaw out frostbitten areas slowly by applying, moist towels that are changed frequently.
* Continue until areas become flushed.
* Check with the veterinarian to the severity of the frostbite since it can result in damage to the affected areas.

Heatstroke, Fever

Heatstroke occurs in cats left in poorly ventilated, closed vehicles. Lack of drinking water on a hot day or excessive exercise can also be the cause
Symptoms include; panting, foaming at the mouth, extreme agitation and depression or coma.

* Sponge your cat with cool water and seek veterinary care immediately.
* If the condition is severe, submerge her in cool water or place ice packs to her head and neck and get to a vet immediately.

If you know or suspect your cat has swallowed poison call your vet immediately

Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, labored breathing, whimpering, collapse or convulsions.

* Contact your vet immediately for instructions.
* Do not induce vomiting unless the vet recommends it, since some poisons can be even more harmful to your cat if vomited.


Shock frequently accompanies traumatic injuries especially car accidents or serious falls.
Symptoms include semi-consciousness or coma, panting and rapid breathing, a slow heartbeat and reduced body heat, especially in the extremities.

* Wrap your cat in a blanket to keep her warm and keep her head lower than her heart.
* Take her to the veterinarian immediately.


* If your cat has encountered a skunk, make sure your cat’s rabies vaccinations are up to date because skunks can carry rabies.
* To get rid of odor, wash your cat with tomato juice then give her a bath.

Care of Newborn Kittens

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The mother and her kittens should be left alone for at least the first 3 days. Restrain your enthusiasm and desire to handle them until they are at least a week old. keep the box in its dark location until the kittens have had their eyes open a few days - about 2 weeks. The mother will take care of all the kittens' needs - feeding, cleaning and toilet training for the first 4 to 8 weeks. You may want to purchase a litter box with lower sides so the kittens can climb in and out of it easily. As the kittens begin to toddle around on their own, they may nibble at her food. When they are about 4 weeks old, start offering them a dish of easy on the gums canned food or dry food moistened with water or mother's milk substitute (available in pet shops). The kittens will be waned and eating an entirely solid diet between 7 and 10 weeks.

Kittens will be ready for adoption when they are 8 weeks old. Either you or the kitty's new family should take the cat to the vet for a checkup and vaccinations. If you do not already have homes for the kittens, the Animal Protection Institute of America recommends that you advertise them "for sale" rather than "for free." People who want kittens for other purposes than pets may be discouraged by a price tag, even a small one. Also, its a good practice to interview prospective owners before letting the kitten go to make sure he will have a responsible loving home.

Cat delivery

Labor and Delivery

There are a number of signs to let you know when your queen is about to give birth.

  • Nesting
  • Decreased activity
  • Milk discharge from the nipples
  • Restlessness
  • Calling as if in heat
  • Licking of the vaginal area

Even if you know when she is ready to give birth about the best you can do is to protect her quiet and privacy. Keep fresh water and food nearby. Mover her litter box to an easily accessible spot, but not too close to the maternity area. Just before the first kitten is delivered she'll start to pant heavily. As soon as it arrives, she will clean the envelope that covers it away, and lick the newborn vigorously to stimulate its circulatory and respiratory systems. Then she'll usually eat the afterbirth. Don't interfere with this process: it contains nutrients she needs. Between kittens she may get out of her box and walk around or eat and drink a little. Kittens may arrive a few minutes to a couple of hours apart. Then entire birthing process can take from 2 to 6 hours depending on the number of kittens, age of the mother, and whether or not this is her first litter.

Your assistance won't be needed or desired unless the mother fails to clean the fluid-filled sac away. In that case, puncture the sac with your fingers and remove all matter from around the kittens face and nostrils with a piece of sterile cotton. Tie sterile string around the umbilical cord about 1 inch from his body. Cut the cord on the side of the knot away from the kittens body. Dip the end of the cord in a small amount of iodine. Give the baby immediately to the mother to lick. If she refuses rub the kitten vigorously yet gently with a dry towel.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

Chances are that your pregnant cat will have a completely normal pregnancy and delivery. However, there are times when you need to seek veterinary care.

  • A delay of greater than 3 hours between the kittens
  • A kitten lodges in the birth canal that cannot be gently removed
  • The mother is in hard labor with abdominal contractions for greater than an hour with no signs of a kitten
  • Greenish discharge or excessive bright red bleeding (if at any time after birth you see a greenish foul smelling discharge call the vet immediately)
  • The mother appears weak or sick
  • A placenta is not seen for each birth.

Care of Pregnant Cat

The first thing you should do if you suspect your cat is pregnant is take her to the vet for a prenatal check-up. The queen should continue to have exercise in order for her to keep muscle tone and to avoid gaining too much weight. Assuming you have a healthy cat, the best care you can give her is a diet high in nutrients, along with plenty of fresh, clean water. Approximately 3 weeks before she is due begin adding a premium kitten food to her diet. Each week increase the amount of the kitten food, so when she is in her final week of pregnancy, she is on all kitten food, and continue on it until after the kittens have been weaned. Feed small, frequent meals (approx. 3-4 meals a day). During the last week of pregnancy and the first 3-4 weeks of lactating, she may eat twice the amount she ate before pregnancy. As long as she is gaining a healthy amount and not becoming obese, she should receive the food.

If she has external parasites such as fleas or ear mites or internal parasites such as roundworms, discuss treatment options with your veterinarian. It would be preferable to treat her for these infections before she becomes pregnant. You should never administer any drug or supplement to a pregnant or nursing cat unless instructed by your veterinarian. This is especially important during pregnancy, where relatively safe and common drugs can be harmful.

A week or two before the kittens are to be born, you can prepare a delivery box for the birth of the kittens. You can use an old laundry basket lined with towels, or you can make one out of a cardboard box. It should be large enough for her to stretch out in with a little room to spare. Leave the top on so it's dark inside, but slit the edges on three sides so it hinges open. Cut an entrance in one end from the top of the box to within five inches of the bottom. That way mom can step over the edge to get in, but the kittens can't spill out. Put lots of shredded newspaper in the bottom and cover it with a soft towel or baby blanket. Place the box in a quiet spot away from traffic and drafts. Though you have done your best, when the time comes, she may decide not to use the box. During the final three weeks of pregnancy the mother should be separated from other cats in the household and should be kept indoors at all times.

Length of Pregnancy and Number of Kittens

How long does pregnancy last and how many kittens will by cat have are two of the most common questions cat owners have. The regular gestation period for cats is between 58 and 65 days, or approximately 9 weeks. A queen (pregnant cat) may have anywhere from 1 to 8 kittens at a time. The average being 2 to 5 kittens. Your veterinarian may be able to estimate the number of kittens felt on palpation of the abdomen during examination. Your vet may also perform and ultrasound to verify the pregnancy and count the number of kittens.

What Happens Before And After Cat Pregnancy?

How to tell your cat is pregnant?

Unless you’re breeding your cat chances are you won’t know your cat is pregnant until she is well along in the gestation period. The mother doesn’t begin to bulge noticeably until a couple of weeks before delivery time. Here are a few signs and symptoms you may see if your cat is pregnant:

  • Nipples will begin to enlarge and become more soft and pink (this is the #1 sign)
  • Weight gain, especially around the mid-section
  • Increase in appetite, this usually occurs close to birth
  • Some cats may become more affectionate than usual
  • Cats may also exhibit morning sickness
  • Nesting activity begins

Take a walk with our cat

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Meskipun tidak umum, adalah mungkin untuk membawa anak kucing Anda berlibur. Bagaimanapun, jika bepergian menggunakan mobil, hal yang paling penting untuk dipertimbangkan adalah keselamatan penumpang lainnya di dalam mobil dan anak kucing Anda.

Kapanpun Anda membawa anak kucing Anda, dia sebaiknya ditempatkan di dalam kandang bawaan yang kokoh, yang ditempatkan cukup banyak koran atau selembar handuk di bawahnya. Tempat bawaan kucing yang baik adalah kandang yang terbuat dari plastik atau kawat, bisa didapat di toko-toko binatang piaraan dan klinik dokter hewan, atau tas bawaan yang lembut.

Kucing Anda dapat merasa lebih nyaman jika kandang tersebut ditutup dengan kain tipis dan pastikan menggunakan sabuk pengaman untuk mengikat kandang ke kursi. Jika Anda merencanakan perjalanan yang lebih panjang, Anda butuh mempertimbangkan kandang yang lebih besar yang mempunyai cukup ruang untuk kotak kotoran kecil dan juga tempat air.

Jika Anda tiba di tempat tujuan, sebaiknya anak kucing Anda tetap di dalam ruangan selama mungkin untuk menghindari perkelahian dengan kucing setempat atau usahanya mencari jalan pulang.

JANGAN PERNAH meninggalkan kucing Anda di dalam mobil tanpa pengawasan, meskipun hari sedang dingin, karena suhu di dalam mobil dapat mencapai tingkat yang membahayakan bagi anak kucing Anda.

Cat Toys

Alat Bermain


Anak kucing suka sekali bermain. Kenyataannya, bermain merupakan bagian penting bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan anak kucing Anda karena hal itu menjadikan otak mereka terangsang dan membuat badan mereka tidak berlemak dan gesit. Bagaimanapun, sebagaimana manusia, anak kucing dapat menjadi bosan, khususnya jika mereka tinggal sendirian di rumah selama Anda pergi bekerja atau bersekolah. Akibatnya, kebanyakan anak kucing membuat "kesenangan" mereka sendiri yang kadang-kadang dengan memasuki benda tertentu yang seharusnya tidak boleh mereka lakukan.

Ini beberapa hal sederhana yang dapat Anda lakukan agar kucing Anda tidak bosan.


Anak kucing sangat menyukai mainan - kenyataannya hanya berupa benda apapun yang bergerak, mencicit, atau berlompatan akan membuat anak kucing Anda betah tinggal berjam-jam! Mainan harus cukup kecil untuk anak kucing Anda agar mudah didorong-dorong, tetapi cukup besar agar tidak ditelan. Bola ping-pong, gumpalan bola kertas, atau rol toilet kosong merupakan mainan ideal.

Rol bekas kertas pembungkus dengan benang warna-warni panjang; bekas tempat lipstik; bola tenis bekas atau bahan kain seperti kaus kaki bekas juga merupakan mainan yang mengasyikkan.

Bagaimanapun, penting untuk diingat bahwa anak kucing merupakan binatang yang selalu ingin tahu dan kadang-kadang "bermain" dengan benda yang tidak aman. Benda rumah tangga biasa seperti benang yang ada jarumnya atau kabel dari seterika dapat membahayakan anak kucing Anda, sehingga pastikan benda-benda itu jauh dari jangkauannya.


Penting bagi anak kucing Anda untuk mendapatkan uluran tangan Anda dengan kebaikan, sehingga menghindari permainan yang agresif atau bermainan yang mendorongnya menggunakan gigitan.

  • Kotak
    Kotak karton selalu menyenangkan dan Anda akan sering mendapatkan mereka menyembunyikan sesuatu atau dirinya di dalam kotak! Jika Anda mempunyai dua kucing, Anda bahkan boleh jadi menemukan mereka bermain petak-umpet. Pastikan bahwa kotak cukup kokoh agar kucing Anda dapat memanjat keluar setelah dia memanjat masuk.
  • Tikus-tikusan
    Ini juga merupakan sumber kesenangan dan dapat secara sederhana dibuat dengan mengikat barang kecil yang berbulu pada seutas benang dan melayang-layangkannya di depan anak kucing Anda atau menariknya sepanjang lantai. Anak kucing Anda kemudian dapat mengikutinya dengan membayangkannya menjadi pemburu yang garang sedang mengejar mangsanya!
  • Mengambilkan sesuatu
    Meskipun ini bukan permainan yang biasanya berhubungan dengan kucing, adalah mungkin untuk mengajari anak kucing Anda bagaimana cara mengambilkan barang. Ambil sebuah mainan kecil yang amat disukai kucing Anda dan panggil namanya saat Anda melambung-lambungkan mainan tersebut naik-turun di udara.

Sekali Anda mendapatkan perhatian dari anak kucing Anda, lambungkan mainan tersebut sedemikian rupa sehingga jatuh di dekatnya dan biarkan anak kucing Anda bermain dengannya. Segera setelah Anda melihat anak kucing Anda mulai bosan dengan mainan itu, panggil namanya dan, jika dia melihat Anda, ambil mainan itu.

Ulangi proses ini dua kali sehari masing-masing selama 10 menit. Sebagian kucing akan mengerti dan mulai membawa mainan itu ke Anda.

  • Berlarian
    Sebagian kucing memulai permainan berlarian sendiri dengan harapan Anda akan mengejarnya. Jika Anda melihat anak kucing Anda berlarian sepanjang ruangan, cobalah mengejarnya dan kemudian cepatlah bersembunyi di belakang tirai. Intiplah dari belakang tirai dan lihatlah apa yang dilakukan anak kucing Anda. Jika dia tiba-tiba bersembunyi dan melongok kepada Anda, itu berarti isyarat bagi Anda untuk melanjutkan permainan ini dan kembali kejarlah dia. Ini juga merupakan cara baik buat Anda berdua melakukan latihan gerak badan!

Cat Badge

Tanda Pengenal

Anak kucing secara alamiah selalu ingin tahu dan sangat biasa buat mereka bepergian agak jauh dari rumah dan menjadikannya tersesat. Itu sebabnya sangat penting untuk memastikan anak kucing Anda menyandang sebentuk tanda pengenal sehingga dia dapat dilacak kembali kepada Anda jika tersesat.

Menanam Microchip

Menanam microchip di anak kucing Anda adalah sederhana dan tidak menyakitkan. Chip komputer tipis ditempatkan di bawah kulit anak kucing Anda oleh dokter hewan. Masing-masing chip mempunyai nomor unik yang hanya diperuntukkan bagi binatang peliharaan Anda dan, sekali ditempatkan, alat itu tidak dapat lepas atau diubah. Microchip kemudian terhubung dengan registri pusat yang memungkinkan menemukan anak kucing Anda dengan cepat dan mudah jika tersesat.


Cara lain yang baik untuk memastikan anak kucing Anda dapat dilacak kembali kepada Anda adalah dengan menulis secara jelas nama dan nomor telepon Anda di dalam kerah anak kucing Anda. Dengan cara itu, setiap orang yang mendapatkan anak kucing Anda sedang tersesat dapat segera menghubungi Anda.

Cat House

Biasakan kucing Anda selalu pulang di malam hari dengan memberi makan malam secara teratur dan menyuruhnya tinggal. Hal ini akan mengurangi risiko kucing Anda berkelahi, tertabrak mobil, atau mendapat bahaya lainnya.

Kebanyakan kucing merasa nyaman di dalam rumah dan kebanyakan pemilik kucing memilih mengharuskan binatang peliharaan selalu di dalam rumah untuk pengamanan ekstra dan mendapatkan perasaan damai. Kucing rumahan membuat bahagia, mudah diatur dan teman kesayangan yang menyenangkan selama Anda memberikan berbagai rangsangan mental bagi mereka.

Kucing rumahan juga lebih kecil kemungkinan terkena penyakit dan parasit seperti kutu, kurap, dan cacing.

Jika Anda memutuskan mengharuskan kucing Anda di dalam rumah terus menerus, penting memastikan bahwa dia selalu bersemangat dengan memberinya berbagai peralatan untuk mainannya. Menyediakan tempat agar mereka dapat duduk di samping jendela yang memungkinkan sinar matahari masuk juga akan membuat anak kucing Anda bahagia, sebagaimana kebanyakan kucing yang sangat suka berjemur di sinar matahari pagi sambil memperhatikan kejadian di luar rumah.

Cat Language

Bahasa Kucing

Seperti kita, anak kucing mempunyai bahasa tubuh sendiri untuk menunjukkan kepada sekelilingnya bagaimana perasaan mereka.

Ini beberapa contoh bagaimana Anda dapat menebak suasana hati anak kucing Anda.
  • Mendongakkan dan menggerakkan kepalanya ke belakang -- seseorang mendatanginya terlalu dekat.
  • Setengah matanya tertutup dan memutar sedikit telinganya ke samping -- anak kucing Anda sedang merasa nyaman dengan dirinya
  • Mengarahkan telinganya, memutarnya ke belakang, dan mengecilkan pupil matanya -- ini adalah peringatan. Anak kucing Anda sedang marah, jadi tinggalkan dia sejenak.
  • Pupil matanya membesar meskipun di cahaya terang -- anak kucing Anda terkejut.
  • Mengarahkan telinganya, dan membuka matanya lebar-lebar -- anak kucing Anda ingin bermain!
  • Mencondongkan telinganya ke belakang, menutup matanya dan sedikit menengok -- sedang mengajak berdamai. Anak kucing Anda memberitahu Anda bahwa dia tidak akan membahayakan Anda dan berharap dia mendapat perlakuan yang sama.

Tanda "bau-bauan" bagi anak kucing Anda

Anak kucing benar-benar merupakan binatang yang tergantung daerah yang didiaminya dan menggunakan tanda-tanda aromatik yang disebut pheromones untuk membantu membangun dan memelihara "milik" mereka.

Bau-bauan ini merupakan "tanda" yang penting untuk berkomunikasi dengan kucing lain dan dipancarkan oleh sejumlah kelenjar di sekujur tubuh anak kucing.

Anak kucing menikmati sentuhan tubuh untuk ketentraman dan kasih sayang. Jadi menggosokkan pipinya ke Anda menunjukkan tidak hanya berarti mengambil atau meninggalkan tanda bau-bauan, tetapi juga berarti membuat hubungan berdasarkan kontak fisik.

Cat Make Up

Merias sangat penting bagi anak kucing Anda. Tidak hanya kesempatan terbaik bagi Anda untuk memeriksa kutu atau luka tersembunyi, tetapi juga merupakan kesempatan terbaik bagi Anda dan anak kucing Anda menikmati saat bersama.

Agar mendapatkan hasil terbaik dalam merias kucing Anda, mulailah secara teratur mulai awal kehidupannya. Sekali seminggu biasanya ideal, tetapi jika Anda mempunyai jenis yang berbulu panjang seperti Persia atau Birma Anda perlu merias setiap hari untuk menghindari bulu kusut.

Cara merias

Kunci untuk mendapatkan hasil merias yang baik dan teratur adalah kesabaran! Ingat, ini relatif merupakan pengalaman baru bagi anak kucing Anda (dan mungkin Anda juga!) jadi berikan waktu sebanyak mungkin untuk menemukan apa yang disukai anak kucing Anda dan di mana daerah sensitifnya. Hati-hati dengan kupingnya yang lembut dan daerah perut.

Gunakan sisir untuk membuang bulu lepas atau kusut. Tidak hanya akan menghilangkan kekusutan, tetapi juga membantu mengurangi banyaknya bola-bulu. Bola-bulu terbentuk di perut kucing karena menelan bulu yang melekat di lidahnya saat dia membersihkan dirinya sendiri. Bola-bulu ini dapat sewaktu-waktu menyebabkan gangguan di dalam perut anak kucing.

Sisir bergigi lebar cocok untuk kucing berbulu panjang dan sisir bergigi tipis untuk yang berbulu lebih pendek, dan sisir kutu, yang sangat tipis, membantu membuang kutu-kutu dan kotoran kutu dari bulu.


Anda mungkin heran mempelajari beberapa anak kucing ternyata suka dimandikan, tetapi jangan terlalu sering. Mencuci anak kucing Anda dapat membantu mengurangi bulu kusut pada kucing berbulu panjang. Untuk beberapa jenis kucing, mencucinya dengan sampo yang mengandung obat kadang-kadang diperlukan untuk merawat kulit mencapai kondisi tertentu. Tanyakan kepada dokter hewan Anda jika tidak jakin bagaimana memandikannya dan produk apa yang paling cocok untuk keperluan itu.

Kuku anak kucing

Meskipun anak kucing melindungi kukunya dari kerusakan dengan menyembunyikannya di dalam jari, sebaiknya periksalah sekali-kali untuk memastikan kuku itu tetap rapi dan tidak terlalu panjang.

Kuku yang terlalu panjang menyebabkan masalah tersendiri untuk anak kucing yang selalu hidup di dalam rumah, karena sedikit kesempatan merapikan kuku dengan mengasahnya di pohon atau pagar. Memberinya tempat mengasah kuku dapat membantu, tetapi jika masih menjadi masalah, Anda perlu memotongnya.

Agar dapat melakukan hal ini dengan baik, Anda perlu membeli gunting kuku kucing. Tekanlah telapak tangan kucing dengan lembut untuk mengeluarkan kuku dan potong ujungnya. Hati-hati memperkirakan seberapa pendek agar tidak mengenai pembuluh darah. Jika Anda kurang yakin untuk melakukan ini, mintalah dokter hewan Anda memberi contoh bagaimana melakukannya.

Training Cat

Melatih Bagian menarik dari kucing adalah kemandirian dan semangatnya untuk bebas. Namun, masih mungkin untuk melatih anak kucing Anda melakukan beberapa perilaku yang cocok dengan Anda dan rumah Anda.

Melatih Perilaku

Anak kucing mempunyai keingintahuan dan hasrat yang tinggi untuk mengenal dan belajar sehingga dapat memperbaiki perilaku yang tidak Anda sukai. Sebagai contoh, pelatihan dasar yang baik akan mengurangi keinginannya melompat ke meja dapur atau kompor.

Cara terbaik mengurangi anak kucing melakukan kebiasaan buruk adalah dengan mengatakan "Jangan!" dengan nada agak keras. Jika ini tidak berhasil, sedikit cipratan dari botol semprot atau pistol air akan membuat ia mengerti.

JANGAN pernah memukul anak kucing untuk menegakkan disiplin -- ini hanya mendorongnya menjadi kucing penakut yang kelak membuat Anda frustasi.

Melatih Buang Air

Kebanyakan kucing secara alamiah merupakan binatang bersih sehingga Anda seharusnya tidak banyak masalah untuk melatih anak kucing membuang kotorannya.

Putuskan dimana Anda inginkan anak kucing mempunyai toiletnya (apakah berupa bak kotoran atau tempat tertentu di taman) dan letakkan anak kucing di sana pertama kali di pagi hari, terakhir di malam hari, setelah tidur dan setelah makan. Ia akan secepatnya menyadari kalau setiap saat perlu buang air maka ia butuh tempat itu.

Melatih Pergaulan

Pergaulan merupakan bagian penting dalam perkembangan anak kucing untuk mengajarinya berinteraksi dengan manusia, binatang lain, dan tempat tinggalnya.

Ingat, anak kucing itu ringkih dan diperlukan pengawasan jika berdekatan dengan anak-anak.

Memperbanyak Pengalaman

Untuk mengurangi rasa takut anak kucing terhadap sesuatu yang tidak dikenalnya, perkenalkan mereka kepada berbagai pengalaman dan suara sejak saat muda. Pengenalan bertahap kepada suara pengisap debu, mesin cuci, bel pintu, orang baru, dan suara-suara lain sehari-hari akan membantu mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan tempat tinggalnya.

Anak kucing sebaiknya juga dibiasakan mengenal suara-suara, pemandangan, dan bau-bauan di luar rumah seperti lalu lintas dan gonggongan anjing, tetapi dengan cara sedikit-sedikit agar tidak membuat mereka jera.

cat age

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Umur maksimal kucing

Kebanyakan kucing dapat mencapai umur 11-12 tahun. Kucing yang hidup di dalam rumah (indoor) biasanya berumur lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan kucing yang hidup di luar rumah (outdoor). Kucing indoor dapat mencapai umur 16 tahun, bahkan ada yang mencapai 20 tahun. Rata-rata kucing outdoor berumur 8 tahun.

Ada juga yang pernah bertanya “Berapa sih rata-rata umur kucing kampung yang sering berkeliaran di jalan ? kok, sepertinya tidak pernah melihat kucing mati selain yang sering terlihat mati terlindas mobil ?”. Sebenarnya belum pernah ada penelitian mengenai umur kucing kampung yang sering berkeliaran di jalan-jalan sekitar pasar, restoran dan tenda pecel lele. Tapi, berdasarkan pengamatan sepintas, sepertinya kucing-kucing ini rata-rata berumur 4-6 tahun.

Kebanyakan mati pada saat masa sapih, yaitu pada saat mulai berhenti menyusu tetapi belum mampu mencari makan sendiri. Beberapa mati karena buruknya makanan dan nutrisi, lainnya mati karena terkena penyakit virus dll.

Kucing yang diberi makan dirumah tetapi tetap berkeliaran di luar rumah mempunyai rata-rata umur lebih lama dibandingkan kucing liar. Dari segi nutrisi dan kebersihan makanan mereka lebih baik dibandingkan kucing liar. Kucing yang ada di rumah cuma pada saat makan pagi dan sore ini, biasanya mati karena berbagai penyakit yang tertular pada saat berkeliaran “dugem” bersama kucing lain.

Umur kucing dibandingkan dengan umur manusia

Setidaknya ada beberapa versi perbandingan umur kucing dengan manusia, yaitu :
a.1 tahun umur kucing = 6 tahun umur manusia. Jadi bila Si manis berumur 7 tahun, ia seumur dengan orang berumur 42 tahun.

b.1 tahun pertama, kucing setara dengan manusia usia 15 tahun. Tahun berikutnya 1 tahun usia kucing setara dengan 4 tahun umur manusia. Jadi kalau si manis berumur 7 tahun, ia setara dengan manusia berumur 15 + (6 x 4)=15 + 24= 39 tahun.

c.Ada juga yang menyatakan 1 tahun pertama, kucing setara dengan manusia usia 20 tahun. Tahun berikutnya 1 tahun usia kucing setara dengan 4 tahun umur manusia. Jadi kalau si manis berumur 7 tahun, ia setara dengan manusia berumur 20 + (6 x 4)=20 + 24= 44 tahun.

Tak peduli berapa pun umur si manis yang penting kita berikan yang terbaik untuk si manis dengan nutrisi yang baik, vaksinasi teratur, perawatan dan kasih sayang terbaik yang kita mampu.

Some kitten talk

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kittens can purr from when they are one week old and it is a sign of pleasure, usually when they are being petted or are totally contented and relaxed.

This sound is made when the cat wants attention, for example, when he is hungry.

If your kitten hisses softly at you, this is a warning to leave him alone. If you ignore this, he will hiss more loudly, and swing his tail from side to side aggressively. Pay attention to this, otherwise you may get scratched and bitten!

Your kitten may stand on your lap or a soft surface and gently knead with his front paws. His claws may be out. This is a sign of contentment and goes back to the days when he was feeding from his mother.

Choose the right kitten

Before you get your first kitten it is important to find out as much as you can about them from books, friends, breeders or your vet. There are lots of different breeds of cats, pedigree and non-pedigree, and you should try to get one that suits the whole family.

Choose a kitten who is outgoing, friendly and playful. Also make sure he is healthy with no obvious signs of problems. Mum and Dad will help with this. Non-pedigree kittens can be taken away from their mothers at 6 weeks old but if they are pedigrees they must be fully vaccinated before they can leave the breeder which means they will be at least 13 weeks old.

Preparation for the arrival of your kitten

Get everything ready in advance of collecting your new kitten. Remember if he is very young, he will find everything very strange from the minute he leaves his mother and home. He will be lonely and will miss his mother, brothers and sisters. If you take a little time to prepare for his arrival, you will make it easier for him to settle in.

Bringing a New Kitten Home

The time may come when you will need all the help you can find on kitten care. This could be by chance: discovering a box of dumped kittens along the road, or by intent: bringing home a litter of feral kittens to socialize them for adoption, or adopting a young kitten yourself.

In any case, unless you are an old hand at kitten care, you'll need all the assistance you can get. This article touches on the basics, with plenty of links to more thorough discussions of the elements of caring for kittens.

Cat-Proofing Your Home

Kittens are inveterate snoops and their favorite toys might be harmful to them: things like the cords on blinds, electrical cords, or yummy (and toxic) plants to nibble. They can also do a certain amount of damage with their little needle claws by climbing curtains or your good furniture.

Cats make super pets for a number of reasons:

* Cats are affectionate (when they want to be!)
* Cats like to play (again when they want to!)
* They are very clean.
* They are very quiet.
* They do not need taken for walks.
* Cats can be left on their own for long periods.

Cats can live for fourteen years or more and so it is a big commitment and should not be made without serious discussions between all members of the family.

Caring for your Kitten

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kitten Shopping List

  • Bed
  • Litter Tray
  • Cat Litter
  • Food and water dishes
  • Cat food
  • Scratching post
  • Comb and brush
  • Toys

First Steps

When you collect your kitten for the first time, there are a number of items you will need to purchase in order to care for the kitten properly. Below is a list of items you should buy before you bring your kitten home.

Cat Bed

Your kitten's bed can either be a box or basket with a blanket for him to snuggle into. Keep his bed away from draughts and in a warm area, preferably in a quiet place in the house, for example, a quiet corner in the kitchen. Do not be surprised, however, if he does not like your chosen area and picks one for himself!

Your kitten will need a bed so he/she has their own space to sleep and a comforting area just for them (however, be prepared that your kitten will probably find his/her ow n spot or want to sleep on your bed!). It is a good idea to place the bed in a room with a door away from draughts so the kitten gets used to a small space before being let loose in the whole house. The bed should be big enough to allow your kitten room to grow and cosy so they feel comfortable in your home.

Food and water dishes/Cat food

The dishes for food an d wate r should be fairly heavy to keep them from tipping over. Remember to change the water daily. Kittens do not need milk and, in fact, some kittens can be very ill if given any. This is because milk from a cow is made up differently to that of his mother's milk.

The kitten will need these immediately in case he/she is thirst y or hungry on arrival. The dishes should be quite heavy so the kitten doesn't end up pushing them around and so they don't tip over! The water will need changing eve ry day and the kitten will need to be fed small amounts about 4 times per day. Once the kitten reaches 6 months this can be changed to larger portions twice a day. The breeder should have given you information about th e kittens diet requirements and the types of foods they are used to.

Litter Tray & Cat Litter

The litter tray is made of plastic with a raised rim and should be placed where the kitten will have access to it at all times. The cat litter will reduce the smell and clumps together with the piddles and poos which makes it easier to clean out.

By the time you get your kitten, there is every chance that he will be litter trained by his mother and so the most you will have to do is clean it out every day, replace the litter and wash the tray out thoroughly at least once a week. If the tray is not kept clean, your kitten, being a clea

n animal, will stop using it and you will have no-one to blame but yourself! However, if your kitten has not learned to use a litter tray, it is not too difficult to teach him as long as you have the time and patience to do so. Put him in his tray regularly especially after eating, when he wakens up and after playing and he will soon catch on to the idea.

Hopefully your kitten will have already been litter trained by the breeder, if so, it will be a case of emptying the litter into the tray, leaving it in a certain area of your house (usually the

kitchen) and guiding the kitten to the tray until they get the idea! If your kitten has not beenlitter trained this may be a little more difficult and you will have to be patient and persistent

while your kitty learns. The tray will need emptying regularly, some people place a litter tray bag inside the tray before tipping in the litter to make this easier.

Scratching post

Introduce the scratching post in the early days so that your kitten gets used to it and hopefully it will stop him from attacking the furniture and carpets. Make sure it is at the right height: he should be able to use it standing on his hind legs, at full stretch.

Kitten claws grow quickly and need to be worn down. Scratching posts are ideal for this and are available at most larger pet s tores. If you do not get your kitten something to scratch their claws on they could catch the m on curtains or furniture and hurt themselves. Also the scratches on you will be much worse!

Comb and brush

Combing your kittens' fur is particularly important if he/she is a long hair breed such as Persian. Regular grooming is important to prevent the fur from becom ing tangled and to make sure your kitty looks g reat! Some cats do not require constant grooming, it all depends on the type of fur they have. It is best to keep a comb or brush handy in case the kitten gets something stuck in its fur or rolls in something! Regular stroking will help remove dirt and dead hair.


Kittens love to play so it is important that you get him some toys.

Kittens need toys to stimulate their minds and help keep them active throughout the day. There are loads of different varieties available; balls, bells, mice or string, remember cats love to chase thing so anything that involves them running or looking for something is good. You can even make your own toys, one of the best I know of is to tie a piece of paper to the end of some string and run around letting the kitten chase after it - trust me they'll love it!


If you have got a pedigree kitten they have to be vaccinated before you can get them home. If, however he is a non-pedigree, you should have him vaccinated, at least, against cat flu and feline enteritis. These are even more important if you are letting him outside. Boosters need to be given every year thereafter. And you have bought him/her from a trusted breeder, the kitten should have already been vaccinated. If you are unsure ask the breeder for the vaccination records. Kittens are vaccinated against flu, Enteritis and Leukaemia virus, vaccinations should be repeated at 9 and 11 weeks then annually. If your kitten is non-pedigree you may have to arrange the initial vaccinations with a vet yourself, your kitten should not be let outside until he/she had had the vaccinations. Aks your vet about worming as well, they will be able to recommend the best products for your kitten.


It is important that your kitten gets lots of exercise in order to stay fit and healthy and to stimulate their curious minds. If you have decided your cat can go outside they will love hunting and exploring in a garden and this will give them plenty of exercise. If your kitten will be a house cat you need to play lots of games with them so they get as much exercise as possible. You may also want to consider tagging or microchipping (an injection with a unique identifier therefore no need for a collar) in case your kitty goes astray.