For Our Cats

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The following items are easily found at pharmacies or wherever over-the-counter drugs are sold. Store the items in a moisture proof container that is easily accessible in an emergency, but out of reach of children and pets. Include a list of emergency telephone numbers on an index card. Laminate the card or place it in a plastic cover. Make a duplicate kit to keep in your vehicle in case of emergencies while traveling. When travelling with your cat, research the availability of emergency veterinarians to and at your destination. The better prepared you are, the less likely you will panic in emergency situations.

  • Two rolls of gauze: one roll 2" wide, one 3-4" wide
  • White surgical tape: 1" in width
  • Two rolls of elastic wrap: one roll 2" wide, one 3-4" wide
  • One roll of cotton battin 12" in width
  • An emergency ice pack
  • A bottle of one percent (1%) hydrogen peroxide
  • A box of exam gloves
  • A pillow case - for transporting the ill or injured cat
  • A blanket - for warmth
  • A towel - for a splint
  • A bottle of saline eye wash
  • Two rectal thermometers
  • A pair of blunt-tipped scissors
  • A pair of tweezers
  • A flashlight
  • A bottle of antihistamine
  • A box of baking soda