Age Does Make A Difference

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

When adopting a cat, whether to choose an adult or a kitten is a big question. Many people go for kittens because they are so cute, however, kittens are just like human babies -- you have to give them extra attention, extra care, and most importantly, extra patience.

Kittens are so energetic and vigorous that sometimes they can be destructive of your furniture and appliances. You'll need to train them to scatch on appropriate things, not your furniture.

Kittens can be nice pets for kids as they can play with each other. Having said that, I must add that you need to really watch them when they play together. Make sure that your child, if old enough, knows how to pick up or hold the cat properly -- NOT by the neck! You may laugh, but I've seen it many times.

Adult cats are usually already trained when you get them. They can also adjust easily to a new environment. Just give them enough food, shelter, and love, and they will make great pets.